This article includes the job description and performance criteria for an MCCSC teacher.
Job Description
The following points are to be utilized as guidelines for improving instruction and as a basis for teacher evaluation. The indicators provide additional explanation and clarification.
The guidelines are intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive.
Acquires information from a variety of sources in order to appraise student learning levels, interest and needs.
a) Uses student records professionally
b) Consults with parents
c) Surveys students as a group, and individually
d) Utilizes the services of specialists
Establishes learning objectives consistent with appraisal of student needs, requirements of MCCSC curriculum framework and knowledge of human growth and development.
a) Uses courses of study and curriculum guides currently available in appropriate subject areas to ensure continuity and sequence.
b) Establishes objectives for each course unit and instructional activity.
c) Maintains balance among various subject areas and within a single discipline.
d) Makes provisions relevant to differences in ability, interest, experience, vocational goals, and cultural values.
e) Establishes objectives for affective, cognitive, and psychomotor outcomes.
Plans for and uses those instructional methods which motivate and enable each student to achieve learning objectives.
a) Plans learning experiences to meet individual needs based on prior diagnosis.
b) Uses various approaches to meet the needs of students.
c) Arranges physical equipment to encourage interest and involvement, i.e., seating, interest centers, exhibits, etc.
d) Is a good listener and utilizes student responses and feedback to facilitate learning.
e) Uses a variety of teaching techniques (e.g., lecture, demonstration, dialogue, simulation, inquiry, discovery, problem-solving), and demonstrates flexibility by responding to immediate needs.
f) Provides experiences which help students to become responsible self-directed learners.
g) Draws upon student experiences to enrich and give meaning to content.
h) Encourages responses above recall and memory.
Plans for and utilizes those available resources which motivate each student to achieve learning objectives.
a) Uses a variety of materials, media, and resources.
b) Utilizes appropriate outside resources and helps students use the resources available through the schools and community.
Establishes and maintains the environment required to motivate and enable each student to achieve learning objectives.
a) Creates a stimulating learning atmosphere.
b) Creates a feeling of trust and openness with students.
c) Encourages student involvement in and understanding of decisions related to their learning and conduct.
d) Encourages excellence, commitment and responsibility.
e) Fosters a sense of unity within the classroom.
f) Manages the classroom in a fair and positive manner, striving toward student self-control.
g) Controls physical aspects as far as possible (i.e., lights, ventilation, heat, etc.)
Identifies areas for growth necessary to maintain or improve effectiveness; acquires appropriate training or information; and demonstrates successful application.
a) Assumes responsibility for professional growth (e.g., in-service, workshops, professional organizations and associations, continuing study, professional conferences, administrative resources, etc.)
b) Is knowledgeable and current in subject content and learning processes.
c) Communicates clearly and correctly in speech and writing.
Participates in and shares responsibility for the total school program.
a) Establishes and seriously attempts to achieve professional goals.
b) Interprets and complies with the policies of the school and of the system.
c) Cooperates with requests made by the administration.
d) Maintains complete and accurate records as required by law, school policy and administrative regulation.
e) Demonstrates responsibility for the use and care of materials.
f) Cooperates with certificated staff and other employees.
g) Is punctual and regular in attendance to class, required meetings, and assignments.
Establishes relationships with colleagues, students, parents and community which reflect recognition of and respect for every individual.
a) Utilizes such human relations techniques as acceptance, praise, and humor, when warranted.
b) Responds positively to challenges and constructive criticism.
c) Fosters an open atmosphere in which others feel free to express themselves.
d) Listens and responds to the concerns of others.
e) Communicates effectively with patrons about the community school system.
Contact the Human Resources department with any questions.